Move to a Speedy New Hosting Server For Free
Bring high-performance and legendary support to your site. We’ll seamlessly migrate everything for you.
Need Extra Migration Assistance? Starts at just $199

1. Comprehensive Migration
We move it all. Everything associated with your website is perfectly copied, re-installed, and re-configured on your new server so there is no perceivable change to your front-end.
Need Extra Migration Assistance? Start at just $199/job

2. Seamless Transition
Keep your site up and running throughout the entire process. When we’re ready to flip the switch and direct visitors to your new server, we do so in a way that minimizes downtime while your DNS propagates. Most visitors will never notice a change.
3. Excel Your wordpress loading speed
Performance is important, and we want to take it to the next level. boosts your web presence with powerful features designed for efficient global caching and content optimization, allowing you to squeeze out every last millisecond of performance.
What can you expect? Every website set up with our CDN consistently hits 85 – 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights for Mobile and 95-100 for desktop.
Contact Us and Get a Quote for a Site Speed Enhancement Service

4. Always keep your WordPress site running safely and smoothly
Take advantage of robust security features that allow you to control who can access your content when they can access it, and for how long. Stop malicious bots and attacks before they reach your server. ensures your safety at all times.
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ALL MANAGED-WP.™ SITE MIGRATION plans include One Year WP Hosting, WP-Firewall Protection, SSL monitoring, Internal Scan and Monitoring, Auto Backup, CDN, Visitor Analysis, Uptime Monitoring and Caching